The Almighty Service Layer
A short overview of the common 3-tier architecture and why it goes against the principles of OOP. more...
The FDD Methodology
The most efficient, battle-tested, software development methodology that very few people actually talk about. more...
Class JavaDocs Should Be Mandatory in OOP
In proper object-oriented software, where each class is supposed to be a component used in a certain place, class JavaDocs are crucial for maintenance and proper usage of the objects. more...
Clientside Search With ElasticLunr.js
If you have a static blog built with Jekyll or Hugo, ElasticLunr.js might be the perfect option for implementing Search. more...
Self-Protecting Projects
In order for a software product to be strong and of high quality, we should rely less on conventions and instead automate as many Quality Gates as possible. more...
Hide It All!
Object orientation is not only about decoupling views and datasources from "business logic". It is about hiding every detail of implementation, including the JDK. more...
New Project Checklist
A brief description of how I kick-start all my opensource projects. more...
Polymorphic Input/Output Data
Using polymorphism for input/output data, as an alternative to model classes more...
Apache. Payara. Let's Encrypt.
Using Apache and Let's Encrypt to automatically generate and renew SSL certificates for your Java EE platform. more...
Builder As A (Fail-Fast) State Machine
An elegant and "fail-fast" way of designing more complex Builder patterns. more...